Pasta with Greek flavors, gratinated in a mug

Publicerad söndag, 05 maj 2019 15:26
Skriven av Markus Olsson

In some strange way I like to cook food in a mug. Perhaps it is due to the portion size because it is not always smoother than cooking in a regular gratin tin. Maybe it's because of the shape and the serving possibilities. No matter what, I will continue to cook food in a mug.

This is a dish that you can vary endlessly based on taste. This variant I did with the Greek cheeses Graviera and Feta, Kalamata olives and dried oregano. And isn't it fun way to serve pasta?

Pasta in a mug
Pasta with Greek flavors. Gratinated in a mug. (Photo: Markus Olsson)

Ingredients (1 port)

1 cup tomato sauce of any kind
⅓ cup grated Garviera cheese
4- 5 Kalamata olives
½ teaspoons dried Oregano
¼ pound pasta (Tortiglioni or Rigatoni)
1 tablespoon crumbled Feta cheese


Start by boiling the pasta al dente and let it cool.

Heat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.

Add three teaspoons of tomato sauce to the bottom of the mug. Add grated Graviera and then sliced ​​olives. Add over six teaspoons of tomato sauce and then start setting down the pasta in the whole mug. Add 7-8 teaspoons of tomato sauce and top with oregano and crumbled Feta cheese.

Grate the pasta in the middle of the oven for 20 minutes. When the pasta is ready, place a plate over the mug and flip it over immediately before the cheese begins to solidify. Enjoy!

Watch the video of how to make it: